ICP-MS雾化室 G1820-65337 G3280-80008 - 康润实验 | 实验室仪器设备及实验室消耗品一站式供应商
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ICP-MS雾化室 G1820-65337 G3280-80008
  • 产品名称:ICP-MS雾化室 G1820-65337 G3280-80008
  • 型号规格:G1820-65337
  • 产品货号:G1820-65337
  • 市场价格:0
  • 品牌分类:(美国)Agilent(Varian)
  • 商品介绍
Spray Chamber(quartz) for Babington Neb
  • 规格参数

HP 4500-Agilent 7500-7700 Spray Chamber - Scott, Axial, Qtz

Axial Scott style Spray Chamber w/ Inner Tube flush with Outer Tube, Sample outlet is 90 from drain, quartz

HP 4500/Agilent 7500 P/N: G1820-65337
Agilent 7700 P/N: G3280-80008

Alternate P/Ns: 20-809-2643, ML190013

This is an exact match OEM replacement quartz Scott-style Spray Chamber suitable for the HP 4500, Agilent 7500, and Agilent 7700 ICP-MS instruments. This spray chamber has an internal baffle even with the outer body and a sample outlet 180 degress from the drain for Axial orientation. Precision Glassblowing also offers the same spray chamber made from borosilicate (P/N: 900-11), as well as Radial orientation versions (PGB P/N: 900-10 & 900-12).

G1820-65337 Spray chamber (quartz) for Babington Neb ¥4,543